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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence Solution for Applications

Artificially intelligent solutions are self-learning systems that rely on machine learning and deep learning techniques to analyze large sets of data. Integrating the AI engine with data analytics and visualization tools produces cognitive business solutions that deliver specific insights.

There are numerous machine learning algorithms that can be applied to identify patterns and contextualize information. We choose algorithms based on factors such as the nature of data to be analyzed and the type of questions to be answered. Multi-layered artificial neural networks trained on huge data sets enable machines to automatically identify patterns with high levels of accuracy.

Our data engineers have experience with multiple machine learning tools and platforms. TensorFlow is a popular open-source machine learning library we use for building neural networks. Using TensorFlow on AWS helps speed up the development of intelligent applications on the cloud. We have also worked with Azure ML, IBM Watson, and Google Cloud AI platforms to build cognitive solutions. Some of our AI-based products are listed below.


Cognitive Search

Empower users to find information buried in tons of domain-specific literature. Deploy continuously learning and self-improving solutions to empower knowledge workers across banking, health, IT support, and a multitude of other service sectors.

Intelligent Chatbots

Use AI chatbots for customer service, employee onboarding, product marketing, and more. Let the cognitive robot take over; allow it to interact with your end users on the platform of their choice to improve engagement and satisfaction.


Connected Intelligence

Connect distributed assets, devices, and even people to a single platform. Study the collected data to identify patterns or similarities. Optimize operations and predict events using machine learning and through statistical analysis of historical and time-series data.


Text to Speech

Improve the accessibility of your products and apps with text-to-speech service. Integrate any one of the TTS services to build cognitive speech solutions that accommodate even the visually challenged, offering them a better customer experience.

Speech to Text

Adopt speech recognition technology to improve productivity and user experience. Build systems that can automatically recognize voice input and analyze the data for intelligent interpretations.